Study Work Abroad
Study Work Abroad

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We deliver amazing service and exceptional experiences whether you are a student, parent, guardian, university advisor, faculty member, or one of our renowned alums.


Complete college courses before starting an undergraduate degree, either abroad or in the United States. You will receive significant pre-travel support and advice, as well as on-site support from highly experienced local Study Work Abroad Resident Directors.
You can study for a semester or the entire school year. Summer study programs are also available for recent graduates.


Participants can maximize their personal and professional development by utilizing Study Work Abroad's career and cultural resources while exploring an area of professional interest in one of a number of exotic locales and disciplines.
Study Work Abroad will collaborate with you prior to departure to identify or personalize the most suitable internship opportunity that aligns with your future career aspirations, skill set, and learning objectives. You have the option of staying for between eight weeks and three months.


Study Work Abroad community service programs are intended to provide high school and recent graduates with immersive and risk-free experiences. Students will be presented with ample opportunities to partake in cultural exchange, enabling them to interact directly with the host community and actively contribute to a range of social welfare service or environmental initiatives. Each location offers the option of one, two, or three months of service.

Great Reasons for Gap Experiences

Invest in Your Future

Develop the knowledge, abilities, and experiences that employers, colleges, and universities all appreciate. Set your resume apart from the competition, increase your employment and college prospects, secure admission to the institution of your dreams more quickly, and improve your odds of earning a higher starting salary after graduation.

Learn a Language

Develop your language proficiency or acquire a new one by engaging in substantive discussions in an integrated classroom with students from the host country and other international pupils. The Resident Directors of SWA are delighted to assist you with tutoring and conversation practice. Prospective employers, colleges, and universities all place a premium on multilingualism; conversant in multiple languages provides access to employment opportunities.

Build Confidence

Developing one's confidence through the exploration of a foreign country, culture, and way of life. In addition to having the autonomy to investigate their new host country, participants in the Gap program are backed by SWA Resident Directors and Coordinators who are available to provide assistance in any way necessary. Your enhanced self-assurance will be readily apparent to prospective employers, colleges, and universities, thereby facilitating more effective interviews.

Reshape the World

Interact directly with the international community in order to alter your perspective on the world and establish fresh, global relationships that dismantle divisions and promote comprehension. Furthermore, practical knowledge will be imparted to you, including the significance of collaborative efforts and the genuine influence that cooperation and benevolence can exert on a nearby community. Future employers, academic institutions, and colleges will regard and value these competencies and skills. 

"I got along considerably better in college than many of my peers. I learnt my second language (German) faster not because it is similar to French in any manner other than the alphabet, but because I was not frightened to try. I approached my study abroad semester's experiences differently than if I had never traveled abroad before. When I returned, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with those experiences. I had a cohort of worldly, well-traveled friends with whom I could share my experiences, as well as an outstanding network of mentors on campus who assisted me in leveraging those experiences after graduation. I still consider my gap year to be the most transformative year of my life."




Let's get started

Conduct a search for the available program options and the classes they contain. Compare and select the option that you prefer. 

Already know where you want to go and what you want to study? Great, apply now!
Need some help deciding where to go and what to study? We can help, contact us now!